Coffee from more than 20 countries, flavored coffee, coffee blends, private label coffee, coffee for the office, coffee for the home... Kingston coffee.
Grounded flavored coffee
Flavored coffees are created by combining arabica from Peru, Brazil,Honduras and Uganda with the finest flavorings from USA.
Enjoy the flavors of "Kingston" with our delicious flavored coffee collection.
Grounded single origin coffee
Five kinds grounded single origin coffees form Brazil, Kenia, Papua New Guinea, Honduras and Ethiopia.
Grounded single origin coffee
Five kinds grounded single origin coffees form Brazil, Kenia, Papua New Guinea, Honduras and Ethiopia.
Flavored coffee beans
Wide range of flavored coffee beans

- Irish Cream
- Amaretto
- Hazelnut
- Praline & Creame
- Bavarian Chocolate
- Cream Brulee
- Cappucino
- Vienna Strudel
- Jamaican Rum
- French Vanilla
- Cherry Chocolate
- Toffee Cream
- Butter Rum
Single origin coffee
Only premium quality single origin
coffee beans:

- Columbia Supremo - Ethiopia Sidamo - Rwanda
- Tanzania AA - Costa Rica Tres Nubes - India Plantation AA - Salvador SHG - Peru HG MCM
- Mexico Maragogype - Brazil Santos - Nikaragua Sultan - Honduras HG - Kenia AA - Guatemala Genuine Antigua - Mocha Yemen Matari -
Malawi AA - Papua New Guinea SIgri (peaberry )
- Moansooned Malabar - Indonesia Bali - Mexico Corona - Dominicano
Single origin coffee
Only premium quality single origin
coffee beans:

- Columbia Supremo - Ethiopia Sidamo - Rwanda
- Tanzania AA - Costa Rica Tres Nubes - India Plantation AA - Salvador SHG - Peru HG MCM
- Mexico Maragogype - Brazil Santos - Nikaragua Sultan - Honduras HG - Kenia AA - Guatemala Genuine Antigua - Mocha Yemen Matari -
Malawi AA - Papua New Guinea SIgri (peaberry )
- Moansooned Malabar - Indonesia Bali - Mexico Corona - Dominicano
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